Wednesday, August 11, 2010

When Venus Met Mars ! Infront of all the stars !

Dear Freinds,

Hope you all are good. Today was the best day of my life. I met someone - for the first time, whom I although now know for a long time, but never saw the person - from so close. He, always said - I can't be good friends with him, but today - we - Had food and then, lots of Gossip together.
This person has a tendency to over exaggerate issues - to that emotional high - that you can feel you are drowning - in salt water - and that too spilling lots of oil.
When I met this person, he was wearing a white dress, but as we came closer - I realised - that he - is Not that white - I always thought he was.
And, today - when I actually went so close to Him, I could see - My eyes - had not seen the Truth till date.
Circumstances I would day oftenplay this massive role in making people meet. People who are so opposite, people who are so - Different. People who believed that - Life was a one Big Bore. But, suddenly you realize - That - every part - of your body - is being conteolled 'by ropes and threads' and the final control is of someone - Whom you've never seen.
My day started - like most Ordinary days, I kick started my - Bike, and moved out. Then I suddenly turned left from my house, just to pay a visit - to some dreams - Have sort of seen for the last around 1 week now. But, all I could see - in my dream again - Was That Hard Laptop - all gagged up by - Facebook. I knew - the face is not mine and the book iti is reading has an acknowledgement written by someone else. This was - a slight shock, and hence - I thought it wise - not to disturb the pattern of nature, and hence moved away.
At 11:00 - I was at my seat. The seat - that has pained my butt, like no other seats I have been using so far. (The bike seat, the bum seat, the hotel seat or the Customer seat). These seats of Power - have a dual effect on a person, where on One side - his belief on God increases, on the other - He starts losing his friends, losing his head, and even - to an extent - His real self. But then again - there - is This place - God intervenes. You thought - your time has got over - you thought - you were sinking full throttle, you think you're gone, you come across a - green leaf, a sweet straw or even for some just a roaming algae - whom if you are able to clasp onto - God has saved your skin.
I love the mountains - specially for the height I see them - they are able to possess, the grandeur - they are able to provide, to people who visit them, and for the pleasant air - they so naturally have, but - I feel - these mountains - too at times cry for that - bird of wisdom to come and live on them, or they feel - the ghosts of death all - hauling over them. Everything nature has within - Has - secrets none can disclose. You can stand beneath a waterfall, or jump from a flying plane, or even dance on the pebbles of fire, you feel - love and life - are the two fibres of human existance.
For all my puncture tyre friends - who I know are really missing me these days - I would like to tell you friend - Go search for the right shop, and get yourself mended, before - you have that - stark headed striker come your way, who doesn't believes in mending rotten stuff, but - his anxieties rather love to burn some - Tyre - to prepare his barbeque. Go do something !
ECIMT - the college I work - I would only say one thing, it has all the capabilities of becoming - the best in the world, not only in India, but what is most required - is The Eye - to see - the truth. You can never grow good corn, if there are too many weeds in your garden of corn. One has to be cautious enough - to plant the right - sapling. But, I know - if God would want it to, it shall give ECIMT - the right leader it deserves, and the right spirit - ECIMT - shall so respectfully - deserves.
My only reason for being there at ECIMT are the children - I see so much of hope in. Their smiles, their pains, their anticipations, and, their journeys really - make me - so attracted - I feel -at times, Oh ! God - If I can just re-live my - youth with them once ? I would love to drive my bike - in all those - lanes unknown - and - Those - packs of chocolates - I threw in many windows - I still feel - If God still - can giveme that power - redo -that - Again. But alas ! Life moves ahead, and if you look back - there is only that - Blanket of dust - and a cover of smoke - that one Percieve.
- My journey today - has come to a standstill, I met God in the evening. He was holding my hand, and telling me - All love and Understanding are - made up Of.
I touched - His feet, and kissed His cheek, and He said - Don't worry ! I am with you, and - All objects of your desire, and all Dreams you aspire - shall now come true. - .....................................
................................................................................................................. some things that cudn't be written, happened.
And, now - I know - there is nothing - Bigger - than - LOVE and FAITH, and THERE is nothing smaller than - disbelief and anger, if one wants to live a long life, he should practice the initial two.
My God - Also, told me - in two months - He shall let me know - if I can - Be in Heaven - with - HIM. And, also, that - If that happens - 'the skies shall become yellow' and the 'rivers of all pink colour.' :)
For all those who read my blog - I have one piece of advice.
Don't let drudgery and dis-belief - rule you. Your hands have the power to rule. And your tingue - the Power to speak. Speak what you think. Think what you want. And want what you - Need. Often - our Needs - are wrongly - identified, and hence - all our effort in fullfilling - Goes in vain.
Loads of philosophy today. But it had to be - Because such close encounters with God, and all his angels on the same day - can result in - What we never saw, and what we never did - kind of feelings.
I miss my angels, and I miss my demons. My war is on. I have to see - Who eventually wins !
Thats it for today !
Rest - I am going to write - Piles - tomorrow - So do come and be here.
till then,
Bye / Chill ................

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