Friday, August 13, 2010

The Two Feelings of Love

Dear Friends,

I hope you all are good. And, in which ever "boat" destiny has made you sit, you are - able to keep afloat. Today, I'm really in a mood - to explode in my blog - Why - Mainly for two reasons:

1). My parents are not home, and hence there is no one coming and telling me - if I have to finish up and sleep, or whatever.

2). Today - I find myself in the middle of a 'crisis' - a crisis - that has pestered me in the past - but not so much - The crisis of making a choice.


THE BIGGER PROBLEM - I NEVER KNEW - WHY SOME - COME CLOSE - TO WRIGGLE YOU OUT - OF WHAT YOU ARE - Yeh kaise hoga ? Woh kaise hoga ? Ek minute please ! Thank you so much ! If you can do please ! May I come in ! - I call such people - formality ki dukaan.

Blogging has become a way of life for me, for many reasons - quiet bleak, but definitely - for two reasons - I always mention -

1). Blogging gives inner peace - from so many external - factors I keep fighting against.

2). After blogging - I don't remeber - anything of that event (I write here) - And hence, that bliss of forgetting takes me from here.

MY POINT OF VIEW - If money is the key, then why are not rich people the most happy people ?

Today, was one such day, when I saw - two such examples of what money can do - to people - Who have lots of it ?

THE FIRST CASE - Students of ECIMT (year III) go on a strike, throwing away their classes, and blaming the management, for all their woes. There is this leader of a guy, and leader of a girl, they fight so despotically, for their rights they have suddenly become so aware of, and then, there is this - beautiful event - of their leaving the Institute with a Senior Friend - only to watch - Peepli Lives in the theatre. What a way - to assert your problems. Go and watch movies !!

THE SECOND CASE - Teachers of around 4-5 schools (English Medium) go on a Public Demonstration of what we call - Ill - Health and Ill - Motives, where-in slogans were being shouted, and, effigies were being burnt, but, what I saw, Burning more - blissfully, were their - Minds so full of dust. Inadequate and misquandering people, all hands in hand with a person, who thinks not twice - Before - hurting all others, he is close to, and - to some - Insipid - leaders of foolish circumstances - trying to make - corrections at - their "post life situations."


(here I talk - specifically of the "teachers I saw - demonstrate today")

MY CRISIS - In all that life of mine - I've tried to control by my own self - I have come across - such times, when God - gives me thee options. But the unfortunate part is - along with all these options - he also gives me - an OMR sheet, and asks - me to fill up all the right options for the choice - I get confused. Badly confused.

He has given me two options in life today

- The first option - loves to be called the option, but when it comes to making a committment, she has so many other options, that I feel, I would eventually become another option.

- The second option - Is an option - Whom I want to tell her that she is a strong option - but the case in consideration here - is - She - Has - A Question Set - all made up in French Language.

I ask her when can we meet. She says better - Tweet !

I ask her - need to take a look - She replies with honour - at Facebook.

I ask her - can we - Jig - She says - No only at Digg.

I ask her - Sorry ! But can Orkut. She says - I'm all put.(put to sleep - as would usually happen).

---------- Life I would suggest - when stops to roll, you find yourself rolling the most. All glasses go up, and with the - stomp - of - that hard drinking bastard's foot - everyone shouts - You're drunk - My friend !

Its end - My friend !

Its trend - My friend !

And then you feel, why God - only choses me - to create new trends - in the world, Am I a born model. Am I the most - rugged person on Earth - for having been chosen - for all such dumps. All is it my destiny, that I'll make love only with a computer all my life.

First, it was a bike. Next it was a computer. Third it was a Laptop. And, nowadays - it is about - Air Conditioners. (Whatever - technology may mean to you - for me - it has always been a 'doom' / 'a disaster') - specially the mobile phone - 'I always use it when - I'm most mobile (in my head) but kind of most immobile (by physical movements) - I talk to people all stuck up in a chair, or in the corner of that shrunken room, or in the vicinity of birds all away from that freaking crowd' - I'm sure Delhi -Police made this rule - of "Not mobiling - while you're driving" kind of for people like me. But, they should also come up with some other rules -

1).Not - putting water - while - Putting Soap.

2).Not - putting "comb" - while - looking at one-self.

3).Not - putting - Water - in the trees - Already - dead.

4).Not making "Girl-Friends" - already - Wives of some old shimmering Jacko-Wack.

But, this is where - the most illustrious of Human Leaders - have failed -

for those - who have seen - Jodha - Akbar - know - how a 'warrior Queen - in - Aishwarya' always outdid - the skimmish looking - and - timid - "Thin and Lean - The great Akbar in Hrithik Roshan.", in all those battles they fight in the Kitchen.

Believe Me - Prithviraj Kapoor (from Mugle-Azam) - revoke from his grave - to give a full 1 kg of His - pathani hand - full blast - On the skimpy, chimpy a li'l dimpy - cheek of the skirmish "Akbar" of the Jodha Akbar - tele tale. Hrithik Roshan.
Dear Friends,
I'm sure - you have gained some insight into - what - a great pain within can cause a weak human like me. But, I am coming to conclusions about life - that one only reached - once - he's already got married ! but, for me - It's before that.
The Pain of Losing - One's Head !
My story as human, ended - when my mother handed me over to a careless woman, of 30's - who couldn't control a kid like me - hardly days old - and - helped me land - Straight at my head. I'm sure there is some injury within, some kind of a clot, some kind of a Lump, that although has never made me - Dead Types - but - definitely - has never let me - Be a normal person too.
Why else would I take - almost 1 year before I proposed my first Girlfriend.
- After almost 11 years from then on, I have improved on my average, when it has come down to - now - only - 8 Months, forget about the Biggest Crush of my life, who still is to know - That I love Her !!!
What an amazing life ? Isn't it ? As if you're tumbling down - that - Mountain Bridge - (half broken) - everyday - to fall in the same pit, and getting away everyday - to fall in it again.
To - My famous - D - fetish - I don't know - people with the D letter - attract me so much. Or is it that I rather get over-excited - to see someone - with this D letter.
D - also stands for - Dirty.
D - also stands for - Disgusting.
D - also stands for - Disputed Matrimony.
But, I'm sure - God shall help me come out of this loop - as soon a He can, because - I've found in His - dictionary - for me - there are some exceptions -
1). D - for - Diehard Compassion.
2). D - for - Disambiguous Feelings.
3). D - for - Dreams of Life.
4). D - for - Delectable Moments.

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