Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Love Life ! My Lonely Wife ! My Gradual Strife ! - Part 2

Dear Friends,
I'm sure you are in that phase of health - when - you are able to sit 100% on - Those greatseats of Power - God has - abundantly showered on you - a).The ceramic seat besides the dining room,
b). The scooter seat - on that Iron Junk - called Bajaj, c).The broken seat - Your place at office - kabhi alvida na kehna d). The Theatre seat - you much Popcorn & Cola -with the newly discovered - Atom Bomb - of your Office ....................... oho ! So many seats of Power.
So, it is always good to get you - come and stare at my - Blog, like - Hungary Soldiers - who didn't know - which "world power" - they exactly were supporting from the deadly axis to the deadly allies of World War -2 , but were fighting - incessantly, for glory (But ! For Whose Glory )? - Glory always remains with God.

I had this habit in school, where-in - I used to try and sit, in the first two rows - preferably in the class - as I thought - guys who do this learnt their lessons better than others. But the truth was - Contrary -
We had this "Mathematics Teacher" who was David Boon, for me - all those days of education. I was dead scared of his entry into the class. My throat was always - dry. My heart-beats went - to 120 from 70-80 (norms), and I always - prayed to God, If it is my turn - to get - The Jhannata - God - May That Day Be Today. I always believed in getting "My Dues" early. But, for some reason I never got the jhannata. I even remained - thankful to this man - He Knew maths better than AryaBhatt or Pythagoras - then, maybe a re-incarnation.
Secondly, there was this - Physics Teacher - called Mrs. Mukh.....dhay, oho - The Clone of Indira Gandhi - calling upon - Operation Blue Star almost every day on all those - Empty Vessels - who had no - Chemical Reactions -------------------------- anywhere in their body ---------------- Leave apart the brain. (I remember my friend - Sarvartha here - he was a favorite - of this Lady Killer), and my dear - friend, was served the hottest dishes from her platter, but later - on - the guy succumbed to - the atrocities. I didn't.
Now, the real reason, I always sat on this chair, which was - Just behind - all these Wonders of maths and chemistry - was that - I somehow - found this seat to be very lucky for me. I never got 'BHS registered Jhannatas' ever in these seats. Some sort of a lucky charm.
I had, this Bengali - girl in the class - Who could write poetry - like Shakespeare - rather - Even better than Him, I used to wonder - why didn't she - Go and do some - Eng. Lit. Course - from some famous - Art College of US or UK. But, this is life - Its full of mysteries.

Now, this A Square - had a something very special about her, she had this fetish of one colour on her:
  1. Whenever it was a - teacher asking for a red pen - my A-Square had one.
  2. Whenever - I was able to see - her skimpy - yet - Shiny - Tiffin Box ------ it was a red color.
  3. Whenever - I got to see- the Inside of her Geometry Box - it was full of red color ...........
  4. And, the most elated part of it - My Dear A Square actually hailed from the RED HOUSE.
  5. She lastly went on to become the Red House - Vice-Captain or I think - Vice-Head Girl but something.
  6. So you can well understand - what a Red T-shirt wearing girl on a red cycle . having some red on her lips . cud mean - when she is eating from that red colored Tiffin. Believe me - it can send - Japan - to support - America - if the fight is - Re-Fought. (I think u know what the pun here is).

Almost 1 year passed, and I found myself, playing all possible cricket with my Desi Gang of Pandas .. Listening to all possible music - My friend Yasho - had to give to me, and also, those - Special episodes of .Tempo Fighting - I learnt in the last days of my school life, I was waiting for that - silver line moment - I shall say, what I wanted to say - for all those long days, and longer nights - I was having - then.

Those were exam days - 11 th standard - Here was a Christian Boy (I think the only one in the whole of Eastern UP) - Who could speak Hindi .- better than many - Brahmin, Pandit guys ... and that moment came

A Square - Calls Me Up - To Ask - Do you have - some idea of what can come in the Prelims - exams of Hindi ?

And, there I was - like that sparrow, who - when asked where her house was - just smiled and said - Let's Share The Nest ! ------------- Dear A Square - "I think - my mind is not where it should be" ........................ and do you know why ?

A Square: Where is your mind ?

I Say : I am in love with a girl of my Class - and I really like her so much - that I can't tell you. I really - like that kid in her. She looks like an angel to me ..... and I want to tell her this.

(After a long pause of 1 day - just 1 week before the Prelim exams - The Phone Rings)

A Square : (sobs of a girl all over the phone) !! ---------- n then the monotone - "I know who that girl is - in the class - and I also know, that who - is that person ----- Arey Prakul ! I think - I am the only girl to whom you actually talk - only" "But alas ! My faith has left me. I don't think - I can do it now" "I still am a kid .................... why do you see a kid in me ------- (sobs)"

- I think - my first taste - of "bad phrasing" had already started ........................... it took me years to come over this mistake. And, I never told any cute looking funny looking girl - I see a kid in her. My innocence was stolen from me. And I felt - like - "An Un-Inhabited Island"

This event changed my life, forever - and - I feel - what no - Good English Teacher could have taught me - My A Square - taught me in a flash..... acchi angrezi bolo - Lalu !!!

- I don't know where she is now, and Now - I sort of feel, that I don't need to know this even - I have a girl-friend , I love her very much, but - for all those - days in gloom and loneliness, why did GOD give me this curse - of - Mis-Understanding ------------------ specially -- with that person, I sort - started to connect with - for the first time in my life.

GRADUAL STRIFE - Hence, for every human, is the fight he fights with his own - fears, under-estimations, and groans (that don't exist) ...... but are there in the mind. We should do - what we want to do, and, not We are made to do. Freedom - is from God, and, Any Efforts - to curb it - Can End in Dangerous - Outcomes.

My story of life moves on and on, and I'm sure - if I am that - Movie Star - I so often feel in me. I shall be there. I shall be there with her. I shall be there with them.

My first Film-Fare shall be her - endless support.

My first Oscar shall be their - hardwork and labour.

- With one last piece of advice - I would like to leave my readers here. You don't necessarily fall prey to the evils other do to you - But - there are forces - within - you too- That can surely - But curse you, and Kill you. Avoid them, and talk to God every night.

Me and my dearest friend and (to an extent - my Mentor) - Mr. Jacob - did build a Chapel on the campus, and the fruits are clear -

  1. Mr.Jacob has risen from a heart sickness.
  2. I have risen from the depths of - doubting syndrome and also my sister is about to get married.
  3. Also, Mr. Jacob's son - is very much in Love with a cute girl - So - the Chapel was worth it.


I would like to end here. I need some sleep.

with regards,


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