Sunday, June 22, 2014

Abhi Mujh Mein Kahin Baaki Thodi Si Hai Jindagi ....gr8 Song ..good emotions


                                                                     In this life of ours , we keep dreaming about so many things. We want to get everything. Eve when we go to sleep , there are people on the TV who want us to buy from them, they are also people with sleepless nights, and never ending greed. Why the hell on this Earth, this emotion of greed came by, why does man – never felt happy with what he had, why does life had to offer him so many options ? These are questions I often ask myself when I see the world around me. A person who has just bought a new car, starts feeling envious of the other person who has also bought a new car. Or when I got to my office, I feel prejudiced to see, another person wearing the same print same brand of my shirt, that day. Why do we want God to be only ours ? And if this is the truth – the apart for our life-partners, apart from our cars, and apart from our pets – I think we are also “very possessive” about our God.
                                                                   But, this is where – the indiscriminate truth of humanity emerges, God is God, He does what he wants to, He is not slave to anything, Not slave to emotions, Not slave to orders, Not slave to circumstances, Not even slave to bad weather. But, the is our God – a selfish God ? No, they say this in the churches, temples, and mosques alike – there is a way to reach God – and possibly the only way – and that is through our prayers. We can uplift our hands – in faithfulness, and wherever – He is on this Earth, He will listen to us.
                                                                I have myself seen some miracles, and I feel – God never leaves those – who want to tell the world about Him. On June 30th 2013, me and my family crashed against a standing big truck on the highways of India, somewhere in Bundelkhand, we met death for a second and then She left us. Some questions pricked me hard after that –

1). Why did death come that day.
2). Why did death leave us that day.
3). Is death – also a little good in character.
4). If we have to die one day – why should we live the others.
5). What is the meaning of death for different people.

First question first
1). Why did death come that day
      It was a Sunday, usually a “Pray Day” for us Christians. But as usual and as common – also to the usual Christians you see, we ignoring this fact were moving for a family function at Jhansi. The heart want to get everything, the world has to offer. And when almost at a speed of 120 k/h – I saw a standing truck in the middle of the highway. Death was sitting on it. She smiled back on us, and said – its good you came, and I will teach you a lesson today. We crashed into the truck, and after almost 3-4 seconds – our eyes opened up. Blood, shock, guilt, hatred, concern, the shallowness of human life, and such emotions completely surrounded us. What we started to think was – are we alive ? After understanding about ourselves – we started to think – our those around us –still breathing ? You see – these are times, you forget – how bad the color of your Car is, or why did you not eat – oats on that morning ,and why is your boss not giving you a pay hike asap. You start to think – am I alive to tell this story to others. Are all my organs working ? Am I able to hear and listen properly? Friends – death is something – we all have to undergo someday, the only way we can sort of delay it a bit, is by loving others, the way they are. By becoming wise. By living with our families. By helping those in trouble.

2). Why did death leave us that day
      Maybe – it had had enough for the day. Maybe it remembered – Kedarnath, where it cast spell for almost 10 horrid days. The most touching story I came across during the Kedarnath tragedy was that of the two sisters who came up alive after 5 days of struggle. The story was – almost 7 members of a family, were stuck on a rock perch, all surrounded by the fast and deep waters of the cloud-burst. They fought the battle of life together, but slowly the food they were surviving on – got finished. They had nothing but some Parle-G in their bags one after the other – due to hunger and thirst – they started to collapse. What must have happened is hard to imagine, but – the last part of it is very interesting, they say – the father – was still alive and was almost gasping. He knew he wouldn’t survive. He in his dm and dying voice, told his daughters, please take this biscuit from me, maybe you’ll live a couple of days more. (I imagine they must have cried then), and then the poor man died. The daughters lived to tell this tale to us. Friends – even in death we do not leave our relations. Death becomes small infront of life on such occasions. We may never come across that family ever again, but these two daughters shall never – fear another father, that he may ditch his children in pain.

3). Is death – also a little good in character.
      We may think so. We may think – that an enemy is better than many friends at a  certain time, under certain circumstances at times. But, in the long run, the reality changes, just the way – vinegar can never quench thirst – in the same way – Death never brings happiness to any. The kings massacred thousands – it is said, history was written. But, the king remained without a real heir – this history in the name of family pride – was buried deep within the pages. The society has a tendency to believe for a short while to believe in what is being told to it, without even analyzing – that whatever is generally being termed good, is only good for a small fragment of the society, and it in no way concerns us. We are not short-sighted, we are positive thinkers. I went to the funeral of a friend’s mother, and saw – the family – in such love with one another, I couldn’t believe – I was in a funeral. There are parties, I’ve seen more melancholy – than that funeral function. All of them, were worried about one another, all of them were serving water to one another, all of them, were very disappointed on that loss of their ‘Mama’ but their values would not leave them, and they did not mock death in any way. It is hard to believe but friends – money – and values – have nothing in common. I still have to research – if one man can have both ? if someone has – then I’m sure He’s a messenger of God.

4). If we have to die one day – why should we live the others.
      It is correct, we live under a constant fear of death one day, but if this is the only truth we start to believe in, then the joy of living everyday shall leave us. We are not born to be scared, we are not born to be – under servitude, we are not born to be prisoners, we are born to be free. We are born to love, we are born to be what we want to be, we are born humans – a race far superior than – all – galactic aliens of the Hollywood Movies, we are born – creative. Every person has a set of habits, which eventually on refinement become – his hobbies. People without hobbies are – the people we so often refer to be living on the underworld of this Earth. Earning money is not the Aim of this Short Life, but to help others is. Money comes to those – who deserve it. Being perfect is not what will make you successful in life, or in job, but doing things regularly without failing is the tough part. To get up and go for your job everyday , to call up a friend and ask him how he is today is a more important task, rest everything will follow. Sitting numb infront of a computer and asking Google – questions – of your heart and of your mind – do you think a machine can ever give you answers. Answers – that need an emotional reason. Google can tell you – whats hot and whats not – in the market – google will never ask you – how are you feeling today, Google will never ask you – how was it with our Girlfriend – the other day.
Life runs along emotions. Life runs along friendships. Life runs along truths. It doesn’t runs around markets, prices, and discounts. Believe me – go and eat the most expensive – ice-cream – alone, or go and eat – the Rs.5 mango lolly – with a friend, you will know – What The Difference – in the two approaches is ? But, those who are fortunate to have friends, should not look down on those who don’t have any, it s very personal and circumstantial to a person – to have or not to have a friend.

5). What is the meaning of death for different people.
      A young girl when dies – a full family dies. Hope dies. Beauty dies. Many writers die. Many singers 
      When a young boy dies – a father dies. His full cricket team dies. Many internet portals die. Many
     buildings collapse. May pan-shops die.
     And now I understand that when someone elder dies – the world is happy, to say goodbye, because    
     we feel , he/has become star in the sky , and we talk to them everyday standing from our roof.

Dear friends – today I feel like an oxen whose yolk has been taken aside, and he has been asked to go and graze in the open pastures without any caretakers and without directions.
Its me . my soil, my eyes and my lake….
I want to drink from it …. Now endlessly – am I being greedy ??????
Only time will tell……
take  care……..

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