Friday, October 29, 2010


It was a great day and it was all rolling like - bread and butter. The cars were decorated. The buses were in place. The haldi to the hotel went like the fish enters its shole. The decorators were having a field trying their last bits at what they were calling a miracle of their lives. The bride and the groom suddenly looked like some hollywood arrivals and the rest of the family like a reception party, apologising for all the little reck happening hither thither. But as usual time passed away, and all loaded in the best of attires they could have managed, boarded every possible vehicle in the vicinity to leave for the Church.
And, then something started to become dark. As dark as the person we at times carry within ourselves. As dark as the polish of the show. As dark as the coffin itself. The sky was dark. Winds started to blow, the cars entered cathedral, and it became pitch dark outside.
We all entered the Cathedral in - line as - is dreamt - by some - Anonymous Rule Makers who suddenly appear on such occasions. We were made to walk behind a group of such people, who, were always there, to create all fuss, make all mockery, but, finally - had the votes on their side, that when it shall be done, they shall be - there.
The bridal procession reached the end of the Church, ignoring every single person available in the Church, and finally when we looked at the back, it was kind of - Almost Packed - usually contradictory - to what the Church is habitually looking like - on those lonesome Sundays.
The priests were all seated in their seats and at their regular bests. Robes so occasionally worn, that God Himself, couldn't understand so as to what for have they been given the appointments for.
In any case, more Hindus than Christians - another unique feature of the marriage, the guests all gasped for their - share of the ritualistic pie.
I was all glazed in a brown suit, I think - she (the special one got attracted to - and gave me a hand-shake I'll remeber for the rest of my life) - so again my labour was paid.
The Ceremony went veyr well. And, on the contrary who was bothered about it, because in India - Christian marriages are shorter than the "Make-Up Sessions" of the bride and the groom. So looking good is important - whereas - God is somewhere away from the Church.
But, I was surprised to see many an escapist suddenly becoming so active on one such day. It was their love and gratitude for the man they have all been co-existing with, or was it the fear - of the Lord - they for the first time of their live's see come down in full glory, to tell them where they all belong.
The crackers went beserk. The car-decorations were - shambled. The drum n dholak - couldn't even pitch because somewhere the - Sky was rumbling and every inch of the soil was being shaken and torn apart. Why did it happen, and what one can learn from the day's experience is something I am still pondering over. But, I have personally never seen such a mamoth debacle. It was a Tsunami, that swept away almost all desires, all decoration of the - place - over which - The family - I stay in - was fighting and torn over for almost 1 month in continuation.
My parents called it a jigsaw puzzle. I was continuously told not to be a part of it all, atleaast not in an active way, and what lay infront of it was a barren, and empty venue of marriage, with most of the things shifted to a Smaller yet more secure, hall in the College.
When I entered - after almost three hours of the - Event - when we left for the Church, I was amazed to see what God has done - to the place. The passages which would have been strewn in flowers, were messed up with muck. The stage, that should have rolled the whole city, was packed into a small podium. And, what could have been the marriage of the decade became an affair of a few evenings. It was all done out. All chair were made to lie face down looking like a thousand fools bowing and telling God - We thought we would disobey everything you had told us, and become heroes today, but alas ! What have you done. The side- counters, all tilted to stack, telling their own woes. Alas ! what mess the Devil had made. It was shock and horror at the same time. And, their was in the walls of the hall, a community which had never listened to God, and today they were partners in paying of the debts. Such days shake a person out of his senses, I was told - God - Loves all - Specially those who love him.
I entered the smaller version of the pandal, and saw Thousands of them sitting and waiting for the - Bread and Ale - to be thrown in their faces, and so that they may - go - happy and filled. What little mockery of the splendid life God gave us.
Although I saw a major change in a Person, who till that day - defied every thing God told him to do. He was the king today, he was the beggar. He did every little bit, that was supposed to make the function meaningful. And he did everything. I don't know why God did this to him, specially when he was ready for repentance. But, such are God's works, we can't equate them in our balance scales.
I tried every bit, I could have done - to make it - as attractive as possible. I saw a few - hard irons melt, I saw a few - scratch pins grow ninto stars, and I also saw a few - who Were As Blind as Blind they Were Before. But, I couldn't do anything to tell them that - it is not in the make-up boxes - that God is. I felt so weak.
In all this let me share one thing, I remeber a silver-lining. The silver-lining of a hand - that broght me back from the dark on this day.
She is a powerful woman. She is a strong person. And, I have seen her grow - at the time I was growing myself. And, I was told that - God wants me in Delhi and not in Mumbai ..... and if I do this - Gold shall give me Gold - God shall give me Sona ..................
I know times and circumstances never remain the same, but those who try and do things differently, and make a time frame, God tells them the paths - that if they traverse, they can just reach the - Goal of their journey.
I don't say - we are perfect, but at times we feel we are nearly perfect. I felt a little like that on the marriage day of my sister.
For else, I can't say - What God told them and what they felt like .... but for me - God made me see - The bright Sun in the middle of a very dark sight .....
And it was lovely ....
I don't owe to hurt or distirb any person hereby,and pray to God He may give you that peace and equilibrium you so desperately want to achieve in life......

A beloved friend. A faithful brother. And a person, who would make a difference ....

Do keep coming back. And I shall be writing some oodles of news and events for you to relish and cherish ....
A sincere suggestion - don't travel via Bihar in the next couple of Months ..... The Govt. is fully supporting the naxalite movement ..... This is what we call - Hypocracy in Democracy....

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