Friday, March 27, 2015

India is dying. Food crisis has hit us. Why are grains not being made cheap ? Where is our food ?

Life is about moving ahead. Old things frustrate. Speed of life should be fast.

I don't know why people think so much about whom they lost - to time destiny luck or whatever. The fact is that they have lost them. We should always think of better things that lie head of us. Because on bitter truth of life - that those who abandoned you for better pastures, will never come back.

Someone once said to me - always marry a person - 'who loves you' and not the person 'you love' .... now I understand why that person said so , because - in a relationship - the girls always have a upperhand. Men love women , but at the same time also - transfer the control in that woman's hand - to take - decisions - that actually involve both of them.

People in India tend to think , much below the Emotional thresh-hold required to maintain and carry long term relations. People are mal-nourished. People are poor. The vicious cycle of poverty we read in Economics is at play here. When I want food - I can even duplicate myself into your well-wisher , the tragedy is - I am not actually your well-wisher , but I start to pose one.

I really feel so low - that - I had some such people in my life. Anyways - God may full fill their desires , their weaknesses and make them see - the world on a better - platter ... a platter of love , a platter of creativity , a platter of growth.

We are not what God has made us ..... but we are there for a purpose. We have to create a better humanity. We have to help the world survive.

Some of the things that need our attention are -

1). Small children (newly born children) need a lot of care and support
2). Women (post delivery) need a lot of care and support
3). Sick people (especially with incurable diseases) - such as TB , Cancer , Aids , etc need our care and attention
4). Old people - are at the centre of our concern. They are the power houses of experience , imagine where the world will go - if they are not there to show us the way.
5). Youth - the most - confused ...has to be !!! it is in the centre of the "Apex" ... this is where - he/she needs to concentrate. Once 10-15 years ahead of here, they will have to live in a world that - they had created for themselves. You waste your youth - you destroy your future. You nurture your youth - you enjoy life later. Also, the government should - facilitate - "Early Marriage" ...and provide some sort of assistance initially to such couples , so that they can - atleast also create a family, and their thinking horizon broadens. Such little measure - can make them feel - they are cared for.

India as a nation is growing ... only in terms of population , hatred , color , religious and caste based divisioning .... the Fundamental Question of "United we grow" - "Divided We Fail" has come into play. Our leaders - or I must say - the disillusioned but powerful , are creating a weak India.

Not everyone can think, but those who can think. Must start it now. Otherwise , we will but remain - a nation without emotional beings. We will watch movies but no one will smile or cry. Can we imagine that sight ?

Make the food cheap. Make the food in abundance. Don't starve your own people. Do something.

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