Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Absoluteness – The thinking mind pains. Creativity is the other face of desires. Resistance - is a self help device. We can.

Some people believe the world was made by God, and any changes in that world may offend God. Others – who don’t believe this group – keep creating – their new world – and in every new world – their own new Gods. Why is there so much of variety in everything today – we get 1000 kind of foods to eat. 1000 colours of clothes to wear. Switch on the iPod – you can listen to 1000 different types of tunes. Is it not true – we have more choices than we need today ? Even – that one song – which we initially heard – gave us the calm, we required. Today – you listen to 10 songs , and still feel , I’ll bash that man – the next time I see him. Why do so many songs – can’t cool the aggression – inside us, that some time back – only one song could do? This is the strangeness of times. This is the strangeness of – having too much.
On a ‘lohri’ day or a ‘khichdi’ day – I often see , the child with just one kite – is so happy. The other – having possibly all kinds of threads , kites and paraphernalia is not able to still fly the kite in a proper direction. Why is that child more happy who has only one kite ; you know Gandhiji said – in India – it is a truth – if you have two shirts – give one to someone who doesn’t has – this will give you peace. Unlike other places in the world – where collecting and storing and hiding – help, in India – so many treasures were found only centuries later , by geologists – that were buried there by some old king , who when you read his – biography – led a life of utter penury and loneliness.
My friends – we all are inertly good. We all want to see the world equal. It is this “devilish notion” of being – somebody , that we start to lead a life – which is not – a real life. A real life has love. A real life has passion. A real life has no fear for death. A real life has the urge to create. The real life has the power to give. The real life has the ability to leave the past and carry on. The real life has the ability to stick to one person beyond our own maliced natures or greed of multiple relationships. How many of us can lead such a life ? How many of us lead such a life ?
Someone once told me – ki a man can either have “lovely hair” or “sharp brain” … both of them – never exist together , and what he meant by saying so – I till today can’t understand. But he was a good friend – and unfortunately for him , and also because he was my friend – He had very few hair. In any case – history goes by – I have heard he is father of 3 kids now. May God be with him wherever he is.
Friends – we can’t do all great things in life – but one thing we – honestly do – everyday – can be done in a great way. Greatness is something that is buried deep within the layers of history and the unrealistic world we are living into. Only after we are gone – people – pick up pens and write about us. People treat our families the way we treated their’s. The people lift up their arms to greet your loved one’s the way – you greeted theirs. Man is a ‘responding machine’ and it doesn’t reacts to information – it has no access to. Have you ever seen a man – dancing – in the open – in a specific pattern , when “totally” there is no music around. When is this possible – when either ‘he has lost it completely’ or ‘when his patterns have become much stronger than the patterns of the existing times’. Once back in history – Banana – must have been a fruit of curiosity to many, until, one day – someone must have ate it – not died in the process , and , then it became a truth – banana – is a fruit – friends we should eat it regularly. I still don’t know apart from a very articulate taste – what exactly a banana has to offer to human beings. Coke Zero has no sugar they say – I say banana has – no sugar , no taste , no aroma – still we love drinking banana shake – are we insane ?
People do things traditions put down on them, it is only in very tough circumstances – they have the courage to break – that tradition, or rather to say – change themselves for a cause. Otherwise – 1 out of million can see – the world collapsing – and starts to move to save it. In Christianity – they say – it was “Jesus Christ” – a convict of His times, a person – working all against the order, a dictator in self belief. So they hung Him. Centuries later – we have now – Made our dates and calendars in the pretext of “After Christ” and “Before Death of Christ”, why can’t ordinary people not see – what messengers – see. Because – God – takes care of many – but – God talks to only very few. God knows – the devil not only said – he wants to rule, he swayed his effect on majority. The effect has long lasted – the effect shall long last, the only truth is – the day Devil shall rule – there shall be death and fire only all around. God doesn’t wants it. God created it. The creator never wants his creativity to go in vain.
Remember ! The last paper boat – you made out of paper , and then someone – tore it apart. How bad you really felt ? Now, understand – God made this world. We are creating pollution. We are changing the order – we are working in the nights. We are maximizing profits. We are joking all day. We are focused on self – not realizing the world around us. Is God happy ? Is God happy seeing His own creation destroy his own creation. Somewhere – the order has to change. Somewhere we have to speak of chage. Somewhere – we have to ‘change ourselves’.
Even when the person living next to us is suffering from TB – we have to cook food, on a device – that shall propagate maximum smoke – is it correct. Why can’t we change to electric cooking ?
Enough advising – I’m sure – some of you shall understand what I mean – and will make a conscious effort to change.
May God Be With You as Well as Me.

Just some dose of prose –

This world it shines and smells divine ,
When we let it breathe when we think – “its mine”
And the birds in the air, and the white white hare,
Jumps all around in gaiety , and gives a snare ;
How we live is important , how we treat mother nature ?
 Its not just a question ? It’s a question of being divine.

We don’t come , just to go , we have jobs to finish,
We are creatures above all , we don’t have any limits,
We can live, we can help, we can sing some lovely songs,
We can clean, we can eat, and can serve a earthly pot.
How we serve ? How we help is important to how we live,
Its not just a question to be answered – in a line.

There are men there are women who keep thinking of us all
They are weak , Very sterile , are we gentle enough to this life
Or are we building – down a factory – that shall pump out so much waste,
That all life around this property – shall but become a lonely – waste
And then – in some dirty party – when some – drink my dirty make
He’ll die of liver cirrohis , my gift of death – to take
I don’t know how these people – do they eat and drink just – coins
Do they have no love for people , do they have no fear of life
Then I’ll say – I don’t need Hell – Sir ! I’ve seen the Satan sing,
Its Earth – It’s a Factory of Evil – And I shall make it sink.

When the last breath – dances in you
And your eyes just start to – sway
You feel – there’s nothing inside you
You feel its your last day
You call on the spirits of the jungles
You call on the people you have to pay
And then sing – in a harsh and lonely voice
Oh ! God – atlast I pray
Please save me from this Devil …….
And give me another day

Note – Friends – let us not make that day become a reality for us. We all can do something to change this world a little. We will become aliens – once we die, but are children shall have to pay the price – of – our negligence.


Take care

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