Thursday, February 27, 2014

The day of the dragon , the night of the owl , and we are still waiting for the Sun to come out.

The day of the dragon , the night of the owl , and we are still waiting for the Sun to come out.(Part I)

In today’s era, we are surrounded by an interconnected set of “Artificial Technocracy Based Knowledge World” where – Real Human Emotions have taken a back seat. Where – the noise of a breath used to shake us to the core, now moaning and groaning – shrieks of someone – a bit sick – often – don’t attract our attention. What has happened ? Why has this – reality – become a truth ? Who are being exploited ? and Why are – Those – Who are getting exploited !! – Are actually getting exploited – by this – epidemic ?
Lets come to the first question first – #

What has happened ??
Responsibility !! as we All understand – was never – everyone’s – cup of tea , from the beginning of this world. Specially in countries like India – where often “A Joint Family System” is more propagated and understood by – common people ; these little sick , very irresponsible – set of “THE FAMILY” tend to drift further away, in this era of technology. 
Before – it was a bit difficult to say “No” for doing a task – you were being – entrusted with ; nowThey can easily say – “I’m on a very important call” ; have we actually ever understood – all these calls are – “Their shadows of distrust on their own families” – they are trying to run away from. The next obvious question – so as to why – Are they actually running away – from – “THIS VERY BASIS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE” –Their Families -  you come across – a truth ; such people – bury deep within their Heart a secret - which is  : "Alas !!! at the end of the road – you come across – That single – lost – emotional fool – good – wanting to survive – individual – Whose sole aim of existence – is to get His family back. But, lets resolve the analogy – “Thinking of an apple when there is one in the hand” ; “Making others think of an apple when there is None” and eventually – the dark truth (with delusional people) – Losing everything in the bargain – of just One Apple.
Not everyone’s journey – on this Earth is a Happy One ; not everyone’s trials – they face with their own conscience are - little - or - brief - as we say ; Not everyone – is born to be a King …. Macbeth killed Duncan – to be there, but eventually – His own conscience killed Him.
In a recent program – a good friend of mine and a senior colleague in my MBA deptt. Told me about – the book by – Adam Smith – with a title somewhat like Wealth of Nations ; and in a brief – he also let me know – that the whole synopsis – of his work – culminated at a single thought – “There is another force beyond us Humans that controls ; over everything” we are but mere subjects to a KING – above all kings, who is looking down on this Planet – and unlike – the weak kings of this earth – He is above strength ; above honour ; above power ; above truth ; above realities – He never sleeps ; He never thirsts ; He never Dies …. Who is He ??
Some translate Him into a – Earthquake ; Some translate Him into the Birth of a Child ; some even Translate Him – as the eventual reason – for our loss of Immortality ; but till date – Actually No One – has actually seen God . What does this mean – God  doesn’t exist ?? What does this mean – We have no one to answer back to?? What does this mean – We should keep doing we are doing and pay no heed – to whatever is being told to us ?? Unfortunately – for all such – mettle headed !! Rigid but stylish “have-nots of destiny” – the end – is    V.e.r.y    S.i.c.k.e.n.i.n.g
Man is not born to rule – Man is born to create. Man is not born to defend – Man is born to re-structure. Man is not born to Over-Rule everything – Man is born to FIGHT for WHAT he thinks is right . People who take orders – blindly – or even people – who Give orders blindly – often – Become the victim of their own Arrow. (Hence, always think b4 u leap !!!)
The biggest gift of mother nature – to us as Humans – is our Power to Think. We should – give ourselves that time , or else our Gift shall be snatched from us. Someone very rightly said – in a Public gathering once – When you Become an administrator – “YOU” – only You – Become – Not your wife ; not your children ; not your brothers ; not your lenders and not recovers’ – it is YOU !! Let me also – introduce – here another aspect of understanding  – Not even  Your own “Personality Should Come in the Way of Your Administration”  - we should always follow that – Rule – is above all. For everyone - that follows it. For everyone – Who has made it. This is truth. And , for someone – Whose becoming an exception we need to have those eyes – that why He is an exception !!! Love crosses all bounds - Love is a Godly quality.
We are more worried – to “THE LOUD NOISE THE SNEEZE HAS MADE” – WE never try to look beyond – the Common Reasoning – so as to why He sneezed ?? And the day – we start to look at it from that point of view – We will understand – that – Behind Every Loud Mouthed Joker – There is A Deeply Crying Man !!!! We , as leaders , as administrators , as Rulers , as Teachers , as Gurus – or even as Principals , Managers , Preachers – have to understand – the Real Human Psyche – you are not talking to machines – You have Flesh and Blood – all wound in the crackling fibre of Emotional Periphery. 
The truth is not – the tongue. 
The truth is not the ear even. 
The truth is in the Heart. 
And, to reach a person’s heart – We need to reach – His understanding
We love somethings, and we hate somethings, but .......
We can always pray to God – to Turn – our misfortunes – into fortunes. If we start losing – even that Hope – then Automatically – the Devil – shall turn you – upside down.
You must have heard – An empty mind is the Devil’s workshop. Have you ever heard – The devil is interested in Our schools , hospitals , NGOs , or Churches (or even I can say Temples – for example) – no never ; which means – He is more – interested in WorkShops !!!
Workshop – from where the Mobiles emerge.
 Workshop – from where the TV emerges.
Workshop – from where newspapers emerge.

Can they manufacture a heart in the Workshop – if it was possible , Steve Jobs should have got one for Himself ; He had all the possible – means of getting it (without an attempt to hurt his image) – You see the real world runs around emotions.
The real world runs around – traditions. 
The real world runs around families.

-          A little done up by writing this piece – apologies for a.n. i.n.c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e. work …but I would be completing  it – its my Promise ……

Till Then – Eat Well ; Sleep Well ; if you want to Reap Well ….
                   Always look for Signboards , if You’re not Close to a Deep Well …
                   And when in Life , you have someone – loving you along ..
                   Don’t – pay any heed to – A Maniac – who just  Can – Read Well
                   Life is not a Book ; Nor its just a computer
                   Life is beautiful – Mirror - .. A Mirror of your Symphonies
                     All music of the Heart is there … To sadness – Happy Farewell

Keeeeep    reading 

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