Thursday, February 27, 2014

The day of the dragon , the night of the owl , and we are still waiting for the Sun to come out.

The day of the dragon , the night of the owl , and we are still waiting for the Sun to come out.(Part I)

In today’s era, we are surrounded by an interconnected set of “Artificial Technocracy Based Knowledge World” where – Real Human Emotions have taken a back seat. Where – the noise of a breath used to shake us to the core, now moaning and groaning – shrieks of someone – a bit sick – often – don’t attract our attention. What has happened ? Why has this – reality – become a truth ? Who are being exploited ? and Why are – Those – Who are getting exploited !! – Are actually getting exploited – by this – epidemic ?
Lets come to the first question first – #

What has happened ??
Responsibility !! as we All understand – was never – everyone’s – cup of tea , from the beginning of this world. Specially in countries like India – where often “A Joint Family System” is more propagated and understood by – common people ; these little sick , very irresponsible – set of “THE FAMILY” tend to drift further away, in this era of technology. 
Before – it was a bit difficult to say “No” for doing a task – you were being – entrusted with ; nowThey can easily say – “I’m on a very important call” ; have we actually ever understood – all these calls are – “Their shadows of distrust on their own families” – they are trying to run away from. The next obvious question – so as to why – Are they actually running away – from – “THIS VERY BASIS OF HUMAN EXISTENCE” –Their Families -  you come across – a truth ; such people – bury deep within their Heart a secret - which is  : "Alas !!! at the end of the road – you come across – That single – lost – emotional fool – good – wanting to survive – individual – Whose sole aim of existence – is to get His family back. But, lets resolve the analogy – “Thinking of an apple when there is one in the hand” ; “Making others think of an apple when there is None” and eventually – the dark truth (with delusional people) – Losing everything in the bargain – of just One Apple.
Not everyone’s journey – on this Earth is a Happy One ; not everyone’s trials – they face with their own conscience are - little - or - brief - as we say ; Not everyone – is born to be a King …. Macbeth killed Duncan – to be there, but eventually – His own conscience killed Him.
In a recent program – a good friend of mine and a senior colleague in my MBA deptt. Told me about – the book by – Adam Smith – with a title somewhat like Wealth of Nations ; and in a brief – he also let me know – that the whole synopsis – of his work – culminated at a single thought – “There is another force beyond us Humans that controls ; over everything” we are but mere subjects to a KING – above all kings, who is looking down on this Planet – and unlike – the weak kings of this earth – He is above strength ; above honour ; above power ; above truth ; above realities – He never sleeps ; He never thirsts ; He never Dies …. Who is He ??
Some translate Him into a – Earthquake ; Some translate Him into the Birth of a Child ; some even Translate Him – as the eventual reason – for our loss of Immortality ; but till date – Actually No One – has actually seen God . What does this mean – God  doesn’t exist ?? What does this mean – We have no one to answer back to?? What does this mean – We should keep doing we are doing and pay no heed – to whatever is being told to us ?? Unfortunately – for all such – mettle headed !! Rigid but stylish “have-nots of destiny” – the end – is    V.e.r.y    S.i.c.k.e.n.i.n.g
Man is not born to rule – Man is born to create. Man is not born to defend – Man is born to re-structure. Man is not born to Over-Rule everything – Man is born to FIGHT for WHAT he thinks is right . People who take orders – blindly – or even people – who Give orders blindly – often – Become the victim of their own Arrow. (Hence, always think b4 u leap !!!)
The biggest gift of mother nature – to us as Humans – is our Power to Think. We should – give ourselves that time , or else our Gift shall be snatched from us. Someone very rightly said – in a Public gathering once – When you Become an administrator – “YOU” – only You – Become – Not your wife ; not your children ; not your brothers ; not your lenders and not recovers’ – it is YOU !! Let me also – introduce – here another aspect of understanding  – Not even  Your own “Personality Should Come in the Way of Your Administration”  - we should always follow that – Rule – is above all. For everyone - that follows it. For everyone – Who has made it. This is truth. And , for someone – Whose becoming an exception we need to have those eyes – that why He is an exception !!! Love crosses all bounds - Love is a Godly quality.
We are more worried – to “THE LOUD NOISE THE SNEEZE HAS MADE” – WE never try to look beyond – the Common Reasoning – so as to why He sneezed ?? And the day – we start to look at it from that point of view – We will understand – that – Behind Every Loud Mouthed Joker – There is A Deeply Crying Man !!!! We , as leaders , as administrators , as Rulers , as Teachers , as Gurus – or even as Principals , Managers , Preachers – have to understand – the Real Human Psyche – you are not talking to machines – You have Flesh and Blood – all wound in the crackling fibre of Emotional Periphery. 
The truth is not – the tongue. 
The truth is not the ear even. 
The truth is in the Heart. 
And, to reach a person’s heart – We need to reach – His understanding
We love somethings, and we hate somethings, but .......
We can always pray to God – to Turn – our misfortunes – into fortunes. If we start losing – even that Hope – then Automatically – the Devil – shall turn you – upside down.
You must have heard – An empty mind is the Devil’s workshop. Have you ever heard – The devil is interested in Our schools , hospitals , NGOs , or Churches (or even I can say Temples – for example) – no never ; which means – He is more – interested in WorkShops !!!
Workshop – from where the Mobiles emerge.
 Workshop – from where the TV emerges.
Workshop – from where newspapers emerge.

Can they manufacture a heart in the Workshop – if it was possible , Steve Jobs should have got one for Himself ; He had all the possible – means of getting it (without an attempt to hurt his image) – You see the real world runs around emotions.
The real world runs around – traditions. 
The real world runs around families.

-          A little done up by writing this piece – apologies for a.n. i.n.c.o.m.p.l.e.t.e. work …but I would be completing  it – its my Promise ……

Till Then – Eat Well ; Sleep Well ; if you want to Reap Well ….
                   Always look for Signboards , if You’re not Close to a Deep Well …
                   And when in Life , you have someone – loving you along ..
                   Don’t – pay any heed to – A Maniac – who just  Can – Read Well
                   Life is not a Book ; Nor its just a computer
                   Life is beautiful – Mirror - .. A Mirror of your Symphonies
                     All music of the Heart is there … To sadness – Happy Farewell

Keeeeep    reading 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Powerless !! Struggle To Make The System - Better

Dear Readers ,

If there is anything like - patience , emotions , goodwill , compassion or good faith , you should be ready to leave all of these , before , you start - the revolution - GOD has chosen you for.

When you are born on this Earth , you are given a - Brass Bracelet - to wear on your wrist, But soon , you realize - there are people , only wanting to safeguard their futures , by converting there - Excess Wealth or you can say - The ill - earned Wealth , through you.

You thought these are emotions , and eventually you learnt , these are - self guarded , self protruding thoughts of those , extremely - selfish - individuals you were - Sent to live with. They could turn "the meaning" of every loving word - you spoke for someone's - benefit , into - A Poisoned Arrow , that could hurt - the listener - Acutely.

Why do such people - do this ? Are they selfish ? Are they - Power Grabbers - as we call them ? or are they Simply Foolish ?

These are the questions that suddenly surround us , when we come in direct contact - with these - Animals of Self-Greed and Short-Motived - persons. You do no harm , and you find , people - misunderstanding you. You think of no evil , and then you find people - distancing themselves from you ?? Why ??
You do - no ill ? And , baseless propaganda - being Spread - about you.
Seats of Power - corrupt - the uncorrupted. Seats of immense power - Corrupt - The Uncorrupted - Completely.

These are places - where a person , is writing for self - expression and happiness, but there are vultures , waiting for your Death , so that - their stomachs can get full.

Why do we say - Cannibalism - is over ?? Why can't we see , these - Power Thirsty and Power Lusty - people , dancing so obviously on the Dead Body of Human Emotions , Aspirations and Compassion of people - who - are beneath - Their Power Circles.

We go to a Ice Cream - shop , we pay a Price , for the Ice Cream , and if suddenly a Fly , falls in the Ice Cream , who is to blame. ((Destiny , is mostly - we call this in India)) , but what about that - Hunger !! that forced you to - In the first place - to Enter This Shop ??? Will that hunger , be sufficed - by this concept of Destiny ?? I can bet - in today's scenario - it won't ?
What can we do now - Kill the shop-keeper for an Ice-Cream. It shall be a headline. And, a good one - the next day. Or - buy another one (from where will the other one come) or if the Shopkeeper - has any - Self Conscience left in Him , he will offer another cone for free.
But , is the same analogy true in the case of these - Mismanaged and Under-Run Institutions of the country - where after Paying a hefty sum of money , you come to know, that you are being looked as a puny creature - of charity show, and the same - Charging it from you - are in the illicit shops of luxury - all over ??

Why this ambush ? Why this distrust ? Why this - over greed ? Why this Mis-Management ? Why Can't We Fight ? Why Can't we - Unite against such - Baseless and corrupt - Organizers - of - our Half Burnt Futures ? Why is the justice system not taking any actions ?

They have ransacked people of their dreams !! They have ransacked people of their emotions !! They have ransacked people of their futures !! They should be behind bars !! They should be - tested for these - Sins of inhumanity !! They should be - made to repent.

I pray to God, and pray to all those - who read - me TODAY - don't stoop - to corruption, don't stoop - against your Self Respect , don't stoop below - your Self Conscience ... because - by doing so - you would only , Stoop Infront of the Devil ....
The devil does not - even then - start to love you - when you stoop infront of him, he understands - you are - Accepting - to be his next meal. The devil is no-ones. Not even of the God who made him. Not even of the Woman who trusted him. Not even of Jesus - when He was fasting.

But , we know , these devils have to go one day. The light of the Lord will shine one day. God saves us from - Bad Things.

I have seen - some of this myself , and have - left my own self - tired and empty. I think - God will use me - as a Messenger.

I have nothing more than this to write. Someday , we shall be together again. For - this world - has a - New Story to tell. TODAY.

Loads of love .... those who are regular. Loads of Luck - who come here to Spy .........

May God Be With You .....

Signing Off
