Winters of Allahabad have left all of us shocked and surprised at the same time.
Inspite of all the flowers and hot coffee, somewhere this winter has left a - dark mark on all of us here.
From Kasab's hanging, to Delhi Rape Case, to Gujarat election results, somewhere we feel, that India's young is a bit too young, and the old have very less concern to what the youht is passing through. Winning an election and then delivering on the same lines you promised - are two different aspects. "Mango People of This Banana Republic" stoop to every - vagary the nature has to bring on them. Rape at times is spelt - synonymous - to "Extra Marital Affairs" and murders - the divine justice - Mechanisms. Where is our democracy - Heading to : - Have a look - how a few - are selling peace to this land - I took a shot - to be left utterly amazed -

If this is how - Peace has to be spread - then I'm sure - we will have a civil war soon.
But, my main purpose of writing this blog - was to let you know - how Cold at Allahabad has effected every bit of us.
Freezing temperatures are making us shiver in every possible direction, and the cold waves come back frequently to tell us - Don't eat ice-cream in these days.
Wishing all my readers a - Happy New Year .. and also .............. welcoming you back to my Blog .....
I'm closing this one a bit abruptly .................
Take Care .... n keep reading ......
Yo Yo Honey Singh ............. (one of the best rappers India has had till date - I'm sure)